1972 Buick Centurion

1972 centurionHere are some pictures of my 1972 Buick Centurion. I had been looking for a classic car for about two years, without finding anything that fit my budget that didn’t need an entire rebuild. One night, I was on Facebook and one of the garage sale sites in my area had the Buick listed for sale. Usually the cars are on the market place, so I was surprised to see it in a garage sale site. The owner was asking only $5,000.

I immediately contacted him to find out what was wrong with the car. He said the engine was loud because there was a hole in the exhaust manifold, and they don’t make replacements. I met him the next day, checked out the car, and handed him $5,000. Centurion convertibles are not well known, and actually are a bit rare. In fact, only 2,396 convertibles were made in 1972, a much lower production run than some of the more popular vehicles of that era.

1972 centurionI found the driver-side exhaust manifold on Ebay, and the passenger side manifold on a classic car website. Combined, they cost me $275 with shipping. So far, I have given it a tune up, changed the fuel sending unit, and changed the battery cables. It has been running great! It has a 455 engine, which surprisingly gets around 13-miles to the gallon on the highway! It is a gas hog around town though.

Although I will eventually prep it for a paint job, I have put most of my plans on hold for the moment. My oldest daughter just hit 17 and just bought her first classic. Together, we are working to restore her 1972 VW Bus. The engine is out, and we are gathering parts. It is our winter project. I will go back to restoring the Buick once she leaves for college in September… hopefully, with her restored bus with a camper conversion.

Wayne Nef
New Hampshire

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13 Responses to “1972 Buick Centurion”

  1. Nani

    I’m having trouble finding some parts . Can you help me? 1972 Buick centurion, drop top 2 door. I’m I’m looking for door panels both doors and trying to figure out the gas tank because the gas tank coming off this centurion has 3 holes for it but the ones online saying fits the centurion has only 2 !! Can you give me some advice ?

  2. joe HASKINS

    i just bought a red on white 1972 Centurian and I want to go back with original style tires, Thin or medium white wall or a bridgestone raised white letter radial ?

  3. Mike Watson

    I have one 455/400 tran. Convertible hadn't been driven 5 years would like to sell to a good home 1972 Buick Centurion Convertible

  4. Dean Sampson

    Have a 72 Convertible with tons on new parts but lost interest in finishing the restoration and moving so if anyone interested in car or parts let me know

  5. Rick Nitke

    do you have the taillight surrounds ("white metal") ? Mine are all pocked and pitted.

  6. Jackson

    Hey all I am currently working on a 1972 centurion but i cant find part and i dont have money to spend on getting parts made. dose anyone have any spare parts they want to get rid of or know anywhere i can go to get parts.

  7. john Seffron

    I love the look of the wheels, what size and what kind of rims?

  8. Noel Gardiner


  9. Don McCallum

    A nice looking car already. Yeah, the 455 gobbles up the fuel, but what a thrill to drive a big ragtop like that. You could keep a smart car in the trunk as a back up in case you run out of gas. 8>) Need something for a daily driver though, which I assume you already have.

  10. Paul Foley

    Have 1974 Buick Lesabre Luxus Convertible, low end, no power windows or air. Like you money usually issue, just had a hi-performance 350-4 installed. No restore, cannot afford that so fix and enjoy the ride, good to hear there are some people out there that respect these cars