Back-to-Black Tire Renew

back to black tire renew

Mothers® is proud to introduce Back-to-Black® Tire Renew, a groundbreaking no-rinse cleaner that brings a long-lasting natural look to any color or brand of tire — blackwall or whitewall.

Back-to-Black® Tire Renew proves that looking good doesn’t have to mean showing off. You want your tires to look great, but they don’t need to steal the attention away from the rest of your ride. That’s why Back-to-Black® Tire Renew brings out a long-lasting, natural finish that harkens back to the days when muscle reigned supreme.

Special encapsulating cleaning agents break through and dissolve built-up dirt, soil, grease, grime, road film, brake dust and old dressings to safely restore the look of your tires.

How does it work? Simply spray it on your sidewall and wipe it away with a soft cloth. No water needed. It is easier to use and outperforms — yet is safer than — the leading brand of tire cleaner.

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