How to Properly Clean and Store a Respirator
Mark SimpsonDescription
On countless occasions, when I go into a professional shop or even some hobbyists, you find, you'll see respirators just hanging on the wall or sitting on a bench or outside the spray booth. Problem with that is is these cartridges inside most paint respirators are actually filled with activated charcoal. The activated charcoal loses its efficiency over time when it's exposed to air, it begins to oxidize and actually fills up. So it's vitally important to every time you finish using your respirator, to clean it and then store it in a plastic bag. And this one, I store back in the original bag it came in.
They too understand that you're gonna reuse it and it should be stored in a bag. You wanna make sure you clean it up. You don't wanna be breathing in this thing for an hour or two and then just throw it in a bag. Who knows what's gonna grow inside there. So clean your mask really well and then put it inside the bag it came with, or if you don't have that anymore, just get yourself some large Ziploc bags and put your mask away.
And that will prevent the air from circulating into these charcoal canisters and keep them good for a long time.
SERIOUSLY?!? your advice is "Clean it"!??! Well, YEAH. Thanks Capt Obvious. How bout suggests HOW? Vacuum? water? cleaning chems that are safe to use - or NOT? Nearly 2 min of my life gone and I get "put it in a plastic bag". I got what I paid for. yikes....
you didn't say anything about HOW to clean the mask. You should use an alcohol wipe to clean the parts before storing the mask in a plastic bag.