Tips on Refinishing Chassis Car Parts
Craig HopkinsDescription
I have event wing assembly on the bench just to show you a simple three-step process to refinish these parts. Step one is we will clean and disassemble the part. And step number two is we're gonna bead blast the part and that'll prepare it for step number three which is we will paint the part and that'll seal the metal. Now look, I can't put this back in the car. There's just too much rust and corrosion.
Besides that it doesn't work properly. So, I'll disassemble this, I will clean it with the grease and wax remover, make sure there's no contaminants, because when I put a part in the bead blast cabinet I don't want my glass beads contaminated, It'll drive it into the metal. Now the glass beads do a really super job of etching all of the rust back out of the part. And that gives me a great surface to paint back on. Because when I apply the paint coating on it it'll seal the metal, there's no rust in there.
and this'll last for a long time. You notice I've also taken the time to do all the small parts, because when I put this back together what I want it to do is be just as easy and adjustable for me as possible when I build that car. That'll keep me out of trouble.
what paint (silver finish) did you use.